Friday, November 28, 2008

The Ghosts of Halloweens Past

The first stop on our tour of the Yates family is a brief stroll through our most recent Halloweens. Because, as Confucious wrote, "You can never really begin to know someone until you've walked a mile in their Pac-Man head." (This, of course, is a loose translation: the Chinese character that I'm reading as Pac-Man can alternately mean "yak cart.")

Vital stats: as of today, we're hauling six people in our minivan.

Me -- I'm 37 and swarthy.

Heidi -- the woman I conned into marrying me. She remains 25 as a portrait of her ages in our attic.

Ian -- He's nine, and owns the patent for the sabor squid (Saboris squidititus).

Lora -- She's five, and recently told me, "Dad, did you know that a long time ago, when people were poor, they didn't have computers? They had typewriters." Ouch, said I, as I adjusted my Depends man-diaper.

Isabel -- Bel is three, and tonight, she had me tie a hooded towel on her so she could transform into Super Hood Man.

Tess -- Little Tess can shake her 364-day-old head just like Stevie Wonder. 'Nuff said.

You'll see some or all of us in these Halloweenie pix. You can date the photos by my costume: In 2008, I was Pac-Man; in 2007, I was a hammer; in 2006 I was a mailbox.


NEXT STOP: More Halloween Pix

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