Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Flashlight That Is Set Upon a Head Cannot Be Hid

Halloween again. Which means I continue my tradition of creating a costume out of cardboard and duct tape to be fitted on my head.
This year, the idea for my costume came from Lora, who said one day in July, "Dad, you should be a flashlight for Halloween."
And so I was. (And with a headlamp affixed, I was a fully functioning flashlight...)
Ian was an Orioles player, Lora was a candy corn, Isabel was Tinker Bell, and Tess was a ghost. And Heidi was the cranky lady who stayed home to give out candy.
NEXT STOP: Ian Goes to War

So They Think They Can Dance

Scenes from Lora and Isabel's dance classes this past spring. Tess managed to steal some camera time, too.
NEXT STOP: A Bright Idea for Halloween