Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Behold, the Sabor Squid

Why blog?

Some are in it for the money. Not I.
Some are in it for the affirmation -- I blog, therefore I am. Not I.

Some are in it for the babes. [pause...wife, Heidi, hits me...I quickly type:] Not I.

No, I began this blog mainly because my son invented a monster. A creature of the sea so fierce and so slimy, I had to create a blog to introduce the world to it. (By "world," I mean "my family," my primary audience for this blog. Of course, I welcome all others who wish to take my hand and go for a ride inside my head.)

Yes, my son conjured the Sabor Squid.

Now, I publish his initial work on the Sabor Squid, the first known studies on the beast:
"My monster is called the Sabor squid. (It means big-tooth squid). The front side is red. The back side is purple. It also has one eye that's black. It's one hundred fifty feet long, ten feet wide. It also has fifty foot long tentacles. And it's dangerous. It lives in the Pacific Ocean.
"It lives toward the middle of the ocean. Of coarse it smells salty. It also sometimes dries up on land. And whre it lives, it's dark blue.
"It only eats people if it's mad. Other than that, it eats fish. And planton. And also seals. It can spray ink. It can jump out of the water fifty feet, and it can swim one hundred m.p.h. How [it] swims is it puts its tentacles together, and wiggles. My monster rocks."
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ian's Sabor Squid: (see image above)

NEXT STOP: A Brief Tour of My Family

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