Saturday, November 29, 2008

Even More Halloween Pix

Some more.
NEXT STOP: Lora's Rorschachs


Field Family said...

Hey you guys!! I am so happy to find out that you have a blog. I first have to apologize to you. I lost all my names and addresses for Christmas cards sometime over the past year. So when the time came, I was straining my brain to come up with all the names I have sent to before. Somehow, I forgot you guys. We received your Christmas letter in the mail today and I feel so bad. We really do love and miss you guys. Thank you for remembering us. You will surely get one next year. As for this year, I posted our card on our blog. Check us out often. I am addicted to blogging and things are constantly changing. Have a Very Merry Christmas.

allison said...

Merry Christmas, Heidi, Chris, and kiddos. Thanks for the card and the heads-up on the blog. You're very funny, Chris (there's the affirmation you say you're not looking for--ya, right!). Let's get together again soon. (The Clingers)