Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Various Unflattering Photos of Myself, Part I

This entry will be the first in an ongoing series. Certainly I have no shortage of raw material -- bins of various unflattering photos of myself -- to draw on. I'll try to zero in on the mildly amusing ones and veer away from the nightmarishly hideous ones. Of course, some might argue that all the images in this series are simultaneously amusing AND hideous. I'll grant that there's probably some merit to that argument.

Today's freak show is courtesy of Brigham Young Univeristy, where I teach part-time.

Twice a week, eight months out of the year, I teach a night class of Freshman Composition at BYU. BYU maintains strict dress and grooming standards. For example, men cannot have long hair or goatees. Because Heidi prefers me with long hair and a goatee, I allow my mane and chin to grow shaggy in the teaching off-season (summers and the Christmas break between semesters). However, I need to hit the barbershop once I'm back in class.

These photos document the night before a haircut. For the occasion, I muffed up my hair and tried to look like an uber 1970s-era disco schmuck.

At least I got the schmuck part down.

These photos also reveal that middle age is creeping across my face: you can see the birth of a well-fed waddle between chin and neck; the flesh beneath my eyes beginning to sink in; the perma-creases on my forehead.

In my mind, I still feel fairly spry; but after looking at these pix, it's not so difficult to believe that 2009 marks my 20th year since graduating from high school.

NEXT STOP: Dutch Invasion


Field Family said...

You are brave my friend. I rarely post pics of myself. Great pics though. BYU would fire you if you showed up for class like that.

Melinda said...

The second photo from the top looks a little Henry Winklerish.