Saturday, October 30, 2010

More Unflattering Pictures of Myself

Hi everybody!

My nephew-in-law, Aaron Boswell, told me a few weeks ago that he was going to follow my blog
. So, in honor of him and his unflagging dedication to following a blog that rarely gets updated, I am posting another set in the ongoing series, Unflattering Pictures of Myself.

These photos were taken the night before a hair cut. My hair, apparently sensing the danger, furiously attacked my head trying to gouge out my eyes.

Also, if you look closely, you can see my Dorito belly. Actually, you don't have to look that closely. The belly kinda jumps out of the picture. In 3-D. BELLY.

Whatever. You'll have to pry the Doritos from my cold, dead fingers. And my cold, jiggly belly.

NEXT STOP: Halloween 2010

1 comment:

Field Family said...

Oh there you are. There are other followers of your blog out here. Good to see you are still around. Keep posting!