One way for you to get to know our family better is discover who we are NOT.
I, for example, am CHRISTOPHER, not CHIRISTOPHER (the first "i" inverted with the first "r"). Yet, as you can see in the scanned driver's license above, the state in which I live knew me as "Chiristopher" for a decade.
And, according to our most recent phonebook, I am no longer married to HEIDI. My new bride's name (and this is just between you and me, dear readers, so Heidi doesn't get all bent out of shape about my covert plunge into polygamy) is HEIDL.
I interrogated Heidi--er, Heidl--to see what other cases of mistaken identity she might be aware of in her family. Here is what I unearthed:
Her mom, RENEE GASSMAN has received mail addressed to RANGE GASSMAN and RENEE ASSMAN.
Her father, BYRON GASSMAN, has received mail to BYRIB GASSMAN.
Her sister, DEON GASSMAN, was listed in her high school yearbook as DEAN GRASSMAN. After marrying, the same sister, now DEON LEAVY, received mail for DEON SLEAZY.
And finally, HEIDI/HEIDL phoned in a take-out order to Cafe Rio a few weeks ago to be picked up by HEIDI YATES. When she arrived, they had no order for HEIDI YATES, but they did have an order for HAYLEE WHALES.
What about you? I invite you to post in the comments any humorous mistaken identities you may have endured in your life. Cheers.
NEXT STOP: Whalin' on the Air Guitar